Friday, 1 June 2012

Exercise 2 - Object In Different Positions in the Frame

For this exercise I needed to find a subject that is very clear and set within a large and even background!!!  Simple you would think.....I have to admit I have been struggling and have found it difficult to find this in the city.......

To date I don't think I have managed to hit this requirement precisely, but my best fit for the brief is shown below.

On a visit to Blaise Estate (Yes I know Blaise Castle and Estate again, but I can get there while my daughter is at Swimming I will continue to visit it and look for inspiration) I noticed a particular Tree that stands alone ion the center of the park.  Although the background is not clear and neutral, I feel the tree does hold its own, especially in the evening light.

This is my starting photo and is un-edited in any way.  I could perhaps crop the foreground a little, but I like the image as it is.  Makes me feel like the main tree is special, as it is standing totally alone in a big open area and not with all the other trees behind and to the sides.

This is shot two and I have placed the tree more towards the right and it sits on the line of thirds.  Again this shot is un-edited.  

My next few photos, well here is the reason I cannot use them...I forgot about flare in the sunlight!!!! and the results are like this next photo.....

I could crop the flare out of the photo, but then it would not show the tree in the left hand side of the frame.....Also I feel the photo would have been improved from the use of a filter.  The sun although only a few minutes before sunset was very strong and the sky loses its colour the nearer to sun it gets.  Despite its problems it does show the "object in different positions".  

For the exercise I am asked to look at how the different positions  affect the relationship between the subject and the background.  I am not sure that this subject is the best one for me to look at with regard to topic and I will be keeping an eye out over the coming weeks for a better subject, that will allow me to address the relationship.

Of the three shots above I think the best relationship is in the first photo and it is my favorite for this subject, as it shows the isolation of the tree.  The isolation and special/individualism of the one tree is what I was trying to show with this photo.  That said I think the other two photos conform to the "official rule of thirds" , but I am learning that rules are there to be broken and that the main aim should always be to achieve the feelings in the photo that you set out to do.  

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