Monday, 11 June 2012

Exercise 5 - Focal Length & Different Viewpoints

In this exercise I was required to take two shots of the same subject using a zoom/telephoto lens and a wide angle, but to change the viewpoint and see what happens to the perspective

Take One

Focal Length - 112mm

Focal Length - 24mm

Unfortunately in trying to obtain an interesting photo that pleased me in fitting the frame and leading lines etc, I forgot about the moving forward to ensure that the subject filled the frame with the wide angle lens..........

Take Two

Focal Length - 55mm

Focal Length - 24mm

Again I think that the perspective is not impacted that much due to the limited difference in the Focal Lengths.  This limit was due to the water in front of me and the main road behind, which did not allow me to change my position that much.

Take Three

Focal Length - 200mm

Focal Length - 24mm

In order to fill the frame on the second shot above I had to be practically on top of the tree. Despite this being the greatest difference between wide and telephoto that my lens kit has to offer I am not totally convinced that the required difference in perspective has been achieved. 

All three subject above show that a wide angle will give a different view of the same subject and clearly show how the overall perspective of the total view is affected, but perhaps miss the point of the perspective of the specific focal point of the image.  

In doing this exercise and indeed all the exercise's to date, I have realised that I need to think about more than just the subject I want to take a photo of, but of all the things that go into the making of the image.  I think that I am learning that I do most of these things but I do not necessarily do them all for all of the photos I take.  For example I will fill the frame with the image, but perhaps forget about the Depth of Field I want, or I will forget about the sky and how it can be either dull or too bright and have an effect of the exposure.  Perhaps when I took the second shot of take three above I should have used exposure bracket.......but perhaps that is the difference in the perspective.

Of the three shots taken above I prefer the following:

Take One - Shot 1 - the balance is better, the main focal point is the building and I wanted the water to lead into this and not be the main element.

Take Two - Shot 1 - again my required end result for this subject was the statue being the main focal point.  The wider angle, because of my inability to move around, meant that I had the distracting building in the corner and too much in front of the statue.

Take 3 - Shot 1 - Here I think it is because the background is less distracting, the Depth of Field achieved is better for the image.

I believe that I may try this exercise using the suggested images of a building or person....and see if I am any more successful with the perspective difference.

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