The exercise requires a view that is open and at the same time has some details in the distance..........
During the nice hot weather last week we headed off to Tintern Abbey (photos of the abbey can be found on my Flicker site). My plan was to walk around and find a view that allowed me to put the Abbey ruins as the detail in the distance.....but on arrival we found that because of the town growing around the abbey and the modern parking for visitors etc there was not a viewpoint that allowed me to place the Abbey in the distance and then fill the frame with it at different focal lengths..........
Undeterred we wondered around looking at all the other beautiful scenes available, the river, the mill, the people.....that I might be able to use to fulfill the brief of this exercise. Low and behold the river presented me with a bend and a boat that viewed from the middle of a bridge allowed me to take photos at different focal lengths and give me very different photos, all from the same position........