Monday, 16 April 2012

Registration Complete

That's it, I've completed my registration for the course and have been informed that the course papers will be dispatched today.... and should be with me in three or four days....... I am excited and cant wait but am also so nervous.....

I wonder if I have the ability to undertake such a course, both in the form of technical skill and the creative flair to see and reproduce an interesting photo, rather then just a snapshot.  

Then I think about writing this blog (I have never undertaken this type of thing before), making it look clear and simple, whilst being interesting for anyone that happens upon it......but in actual fact I am writing this for myself as a record of what I am learning and any improvements I see in my work not to capture a wider audience.  So as long as I record my learning in a clear manner it should be OK and maybe if I have time along the way I can add whistle and bells to the blog.

If that was not enough I recently invested in a camera upgrade.  My dear old Canon EOS 350D was getting very tired, so I saved my pennies for a year or so with the intention of obtaining a 50D, but in the end managed to stretch the pennies and go all the way to a 7D.  

WOW, they are two completely different beasts.......all those buttons and features.  I have been struggling to get to grips with it all, but finally after a couple of days sitting with the manual and a 7D guide book, I am starting to feel a little more confident with where all the important buttons are and have actually taken some photos.

Hopefully the 7D will last me as long as my old one, but if not the 350D is still here and raring to go should the need occur.     

One thing is for sure the only way I will ever find out if I have the ability and vision to complete this course and any future ones is to start and take lots of photos, writing here about what I am doing and what I have learnt

After all this site is about my world of learning "The Art of Photography".

Below are a few photos that I have taken before the course.  I won't add details at this time, but will use them as a future point of reference, to see my improvements.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome to the course Pauline - I hope you get as much out of it as I did. I am sure that you will fit in well. The blog is looking good - the only suggetsion I would make is to try to have either pages or labels for your course projects and assignments, so that your tutor can easily find them.

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