Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Exercise 1 - Fitting the Frame to the Subject

For this exercise the aim is to take photos of a subject in different ways so that the frame fits the subject.

The first shot is to take a photo of the subject without taking too much time considering the composition.

This is my shot of an Ornamental Urn at Blaise Castle in Bristol. Taken without too much thought to the composition, although I think that subconsciously I have paid some attention, as I appear to have used the walls to lead the eye to the Urn. 

For the second shot I am required to pay more attention and fill the frame.

To enable me to fill the frame with the Urn, I had to climb on the wall!!!! Luckily it was late evening and no-one was around.  I have had to crop the image from the original slightly as the vertical appeared to be slightly off.  I took the photo from this angle as the setting sun was starting to light up the carvings on the side and gave the effect of a spot light. 

The next two shots focus on part of the subject, the requirement was for none of the edges of the subject to be seen in the photo.

Again these shots were taken while balancing on the wall and as the sun was setting.  I love the warmth the late sun gives to the concrete material.

The two photos taken, do not at first glance appear to be part of the bigger picture and could be their own sculpture or part of a large building.

This I think is one of the main learning points, that you can take an interesting photo from either the whole or part.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Introduction - Project Photographing Movement - Shutter Speeds

In this project the theme is Photographing Movement and in this particular exercise is the use of shutter speeds to freeze movement of show a feeling of movement.